BW WordPress Theme Version 4.1

BW WordPress theme screenshot
BW WordPress theme update version 4.1

Hi, BW WordPress theme just update the new version to 4.1. The update at Saturday (Dec 16, 2013) already aproved by WordPress theme reviewer (see and now the self-hosted WordPress users can download it free from the WordPress theme directory.

In this new version we have not much changes. It just fixed some style, especially the blockquote style. Removed some files that not use again, like color-option.php. Another fixed code was on header.php.

In the previous version we have the blockquote image as a sign of blockquote HTML mark-up like this:

quoteThis is an example of the blockquote markup. If it has very long sentence so it make us a little confused…

So we fix it with no image and only use styling like this:

This is an example of blockquote markup. No problem even the blockquote has much words. We alwas can know this is a blockquote.

Another stylesheet fix was next and previous page/post image. The problem was if we view it with Chrome so the image was floating lower than if we see it with Mozilla.

Color Options
Sorry, no more color options page at admin front end. But it does not mean we cannot use that feature again. The color scheme setting just moved to the customize page. So we can do all custom (ex social media icon setting, header and background color, header logo, background image … etc) for our website on same page.

Header Logo
BW WordPress theme version 4.1 has a flexible width and height for the logo at header. At previous version, the size of the logo set to be 900 x 300 pixels. Now we can use whatever size we want.

OK, that’s all. Happy blogging and thanks for using BW.

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